CPS Cards’ Jim Cooney to Speak about Embossing at ICMA Expo
Card Industry Expert to Discuss Why the Digital World is Still Using Embossing

Jim Cooney
CPS Cards, a leading provider of plastic and paper card solutions, has announced that Jim Cooney, senior vice president and COO, will speak at the International Card Manufacturers Association’s (ICMA) Expo on Wednesday, April 6th. The annual expo is being held at the Lowes Royal Pacific in Orlando, FL.
Card industry professionals from around the country will gather for the four-day event, which, for the first time, is in partnership with the Smart Card Alliance (SCA). The co-located event will cover technology ranging from the core manufacturing and personalization of a card, to the rapid evolution in secure payments, involving EMV chip cards, mobile wallets, and transportation payments. The ICMA is a global non-profit organization whose members include card manufacturers, suppliers, issuers and personalization companies.
Jim Cooney, a leading authority on the subject of card personalization, will provide insights on one of the earliest forms of personalization, embossing. While embossing has been utilized for several decades, Mr. Cooney will discuss how and why it remains relevant, even in today’s digital world. Utilizing his deep expertise on the subject matter, Mr. Cooney’s presentation will focus on how embossing is being utilized today, which markets are using it and the challenges that card manufacturers and personalization companies may face when working with this long-standing technology.
The ICMA and Smart Card Alliance event will include a joint exhibition and opening general session, as well as separately led educational tracks open to all attendees.